Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day One

Guess the blogging thing is catching on.  A sort of public journal.  This blog is created for me, about me, and designed clearly for me.  Ha ha ha.  Basically means I will write about my busy, busy, and even more busy life.  As you can tell it is 2am and I am still brain just doesn't know when to shut down.  It is nice and quiet in my house at this time of night.  The kids are all asleep and so is the husband.  No TV, no radio, just me.  And it sounds like a storm is blowing in so I hear the wind chimes from out back.

Let's see a quick catch up on my life right now.  Married at 19, first kid at 21, second at 23, and the last one...26.  Throughout that 9 years of marriage and kids, my life went through many, many roller coasters.  Number one, should have NEVER gotten married so young and to my high school sweetie....I mean we fought all the time why did I think it would change.  So getting married that young and not taking the theater scholarships that I had was one of the biggest mistakes that I have ever made in my life.  It created this snowball effect that up until a few years ago was spinning out of control.  The first few years of marriage were not so bad, but when the drinking started happening is when my life did for the moment.  After 5 years and a fifth and a pint of vodka a day, oh and did I mention drained not only all of our money, but his three kids accounts and even their piggy banks.  NICE....and I looked like the bad guy when I left.

Thank God no serious injuries happened.  Once he was riding his four wheeler around the pond with Isaac (did not realize this was happening) drunk.  He flipped the four wheeler and Isaac flew off almost landing in the pond, and thankfully was uninjured, just burned his leg on the four wheeler.  Another time was when he grabbed Ely our 3 month old from me and he could barely stand.  He fell with Ely and a dresser came down on them.....again the good Lord was watching out for Ely.  So....needless to say I left.  I left right after I finished my bachelors degree.  (I graduated 10 days before I had Ely, my youngest)  That was a proud day for me because I didn't get any support from my spouse.  He was a jealous, insecure type who always beat me down emotionally and all I knew was I had three boys I needed to be able to support and as a woman I needed an education.  So I got one.  Then I snapped out of it and filed for divorce.  The best decision I ever made.  My life changed completely, and for the better. After I graduated I told my oldest son Ethan that after my life settled down and all three boys were in school I would go back and get my Graduate Degree.  Well last year at this time I realized, my life is under control and extremely stable, and Ely was in school all day.  So I went and enrolled in graduate school.

I have a full-time job, three very active boys, a husband who also has a full-time job and coaches our kids, two doggies, and class every Monday night.  Pretty much have every day during the week filled with either work, games, practices, meetings, church, homework, cleaning, cooking, shopping, laundry....hmmmm did I miss anything?  So how have I managed??  Well, to be honest I do not know.  I know that keeping busy is what I love to do.  If I don't have things to do, I feel like I am lazy.  (how sad is that)  Don't get me wrong, I need breaks, and quite often.  I need and demand quiet time and me time.  Do I always get it? No.  But that is okay because I know one day soon my boys will be grown and I will be done with school (in 5 months :) ) and I will have a lot of free time on my hands.  (Really want to have enough money saved to travel all over....)

So this blog will be my vent blog, what I do each and every day, and I am sure I will go back and talk about my life and how it has lead me to be the amazing woman I am today.  (Again, I had to be difficult and take the hard route to get there, but if you know me you know that is just the way I do things!)

Hope you enjoyed my little vent session for tonight, I must get to bed because the tummy is growling and it is way to late to eat anything!!

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. I love blogs. Especially if I sort of know the person? I am glad you had a head on your shoulders enough to keep watch over your children and put them first during a bad marriage. So much of the time kids are put on the back burner. God bless!
